cater to the needs of every occasions, be a bouquet of roses for a special event or lloral decorations for wedding receptions
B鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Bloom N Blossoms

專業初生嬰兒BB攝影服務. 為新生兒拍下最美回憶照片. 現推出新年試影優惠價

We are located at the heart of the financial center in Central. Close to Sheung Wan / Central / Hong Kong MTR station and Airport Express, International Finance Centre (IFC), Four Seasons Hotel, The C

屢獲殊榮的8度海逸酒店提供雅緻舒適的服務式客房及套房,面積為26-58平方米(280-620平方呎),適用於連續住30天或以上,更可享一連串設施及服務,為您締造一個平靜安逸的 「家」。
H物業地產 / 服務式住宅Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees Limited
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